3 Tips For Calling A FSBO!

Several years ago I found myself in a position where I had a property to sell but I wasn’t in a particular rush to do so. So I decided (and I know you will all hate me for saying this, to sell it without the services of a Professional Realtor®. Big mistake by the way.

So, I took out an advertisement in a local paper. I described the features of my home and stated a price.

Now, I knew where the market was at that time. I also knew the fair market value of the property. I also knew people would try negotiating based on “well, you don’t have to pay a Realtor®.”

But, I was in no rush so I figured I would give it a shot.

Sure enough, the phone rang off the hook! As you all know the calls were NOT from interested buyers but from, you guessed it, interested Realtors® anxious for my listing.

A few thoughts:

1)     Please pay attention when the seller tells you WHEN to follow up. A HUGE turnoff was the many Realtors® who I would very politely tell to give me a few weeks to see where things went. After agreeing to these terms, I would hear back several more times that same week! I certainly understand the need to be proactive or even aggressive, but realize the seller is being inundated with calls.

2)     Don’t be insulting. I had more than one Realtor® try to overwhelm me with the complexities of the home selling process. It is complex and Realtors® provide clients with a TREMENDOUSLY valuable service.  But please treat potential clients with respect.

3)     Give something of value! The Realtor® I ended up giving the listing to (after realizing the futility of trying to do it without a Realtor®) was VERY informative! He politely called me one evening. I asked him to give me a few weeks to see how things progressed. He agreed but only asked if he could send me some valuable tips that might help me sell the home-whether I used his services or not!

I hope you find this information from a non Realtor® who has lived through being a FSBO helpful. The team at My Town Gurus has a system that will help YOU be the Realtor who gets the listings for FSBO’s in your town!

To learn more about the My Town Gurus system go to MyTownGurus.com/BecomeAGuru or call 877-203-9588


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