Somerset County News

NJ Utility Costs Tied To Household Income In New Proposal

One of several options presented to the Board of Public Utilities for making bills more affordable was an income-tiered rate […]

Char Steakhouse To Open 3rd Restaurant On Route 22 In Scotch Plains

The restaurant announced it is opening on Wednesday on the Union and Somerset County border.

Powerball Ticket Worth $1M Sold In Edison Liquor Store

The jackpot is now at about $484 million for the next drawing.

🌱 New Business Administrator for Bernardsville School District

The quickest way to get caught up on the most important things happening in Bernardsville.

🌱 Manville resident charged in burglary spree

The quickest way to get caught up on the most important things happening in Manville.

Bridgewater Man Killed In Crash, Speeding Driver Charged: Prosecutor

Kavon Powell-Coleman, 35, of Plainfield, was charged with second-degree vehicular homicide and fourth-degree assault by auto.

BRHS Theater Group Prepares For Spring Musical ‘Footloose’

The Spring Musical “Footloose” will be performed in the Bridgewater-Raritan High School auditorium from April 3 through April 5.

These NJ Bridges At Risk Of Collapse If Hit By Ship, New Study Shows

The most vulnerable of these bridges are likely to be hit by a ship within about 20 years, according to […]

Bridgewater Dems Endorse 3 Candidates For Township Council

Ridwana Isla, Joan Geiger, and Andrew Bucko will be the three endorsed candidates for Township Council in 2025.