The “common sense” ID verification measures begin March 31 and are aimed at limiting fraudulent claims, the administration said.
The locations planned for closure were identified during a “store portfolio optimization review” late last year, the company said.
Visit Atlantic City and Herb Gillen Airshows are partnering to host the “Visit Atlantic City Soar & Shore Festival” this […]
Zachary Williams lied about his age and traveled from NYC to Atlantic County to coerce a young girl into having […]
The circumstances of the baby’s death and how he came to be in distress remain under investigation, the prosecutor’s office […]
The Atlantic County Department of Family and Community Development clerk took three EBT cards and spent nearly $2,500, authorities said.
Students were put under a shelter-in-place while police and the FBI searched for hidden cameras, officials said.
These locations will be closed as of early June as the company seeks to re-evaluate its network of branches.
A car and electric bicycle collided Saturday night in Galloway, causing the biker to get stuck under the car, police […]