Martinis +Matisse to Help Clearwater’s Free Clinic

Martinis + Matisse With a Twist is the Clearwater Free Clinic’s safe-at-home, virtual rendition of our annual fundraiser, Martinis + Matisse! They look forward to a unique and fun-filled online event, with the option to host a select group of your friends and family to join in the fun if you wish.

Martinis + Martisse to help the Clearwater Free Clinic

Martinis + Matisse With a Twist is their signature art lottery, cooking and mixology demonstrations, and lively program will deliver a memorable and safe Martinis + Matisse experience! The mission of the Clearwater Free Clinic is to deliver comprehensive medical care to uninsured families through volunteerism and community partnerships.

The proceeds from Martinis + Matisse With a Twist directly impact the Clinic’s programs. Help Us Build Healthy Communities! For tickets and to participate in the auction visit:

More About the Clearwater Free Clinic:

Clearwater Free Clinic

Since 1977, the Clearwater Free Clinic has provided problem oriented health care to low-income uninsured residents of upper Pinellas County by means of office visits, medications, lab work, x-rays, and specialty referrals. The Clinic, a volunteer driven non-profit, non-government medical facility, provides primary health care at no cost to those who do not qualify for government assistance and who cannot afford private medical care.

The majority of the patients at the Clinic are hard working people with limited incomes or low paying jobs. Their income excludes them from receiving government assistance, yet prohibits them from affording private health care or insurance. Without the aid of the Clearwater Free Clinic, these uninsured residents would turn to emergency rooms for non-emergent care, at a great cost to themselves and the hospitals. More upsetting is thatmany of the uninsured will often ignore significant health problems until a crisis occurs, not wanting to incur debt. This is where the Clinic is able to help.

Read this story about how the Free Clinic Changes Lives.

The post Martinis +Matisse to Help Clearwater’s Free Clinic appeared first on Destination Tampa Bay™.

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