Second Earth – Small Planet, Big Adventure!



Fascinated by Pangaea? Well, it happens on the second earth every 100 years! T.M. Taylor’s fantasy fiction book, Second Earth the Draeus, takes you on an entertaining  excursion into the land of Second Earth, a small planet somewhere out in the universe.  Relatable to the first earth in many ways such as having mountains, oceans, rivers, and forests to name a few similarities. However, there are also many differences. The lands and characters Taylor writes about are imaginative and intriguing. Here’s a little glimpse into the world of T.M. Taylor’s fantastical Second Earth the Draeus.


Second Earth is smaller than its ancient namesake, First Earth, with two small suns (the twin suns), a great big moon, a gentle “jet stream” type breeze called ‘The Winds of Time’, and some unique lands and civilizations.Second Earth is smaller than its ancient namesake, First Earth, with two small suns (the twin suns), a great big moon, a gentle “jet stream” type breeze called ‘The Winds of Time’, and some unique lands and civilizations.


Every 100 years, the volatile Draeus casts down the worst destructive weather imaginable. The storm tears apart and rearranges lands, sometimes making new islands and sometimes crashing landforms into each other, creating new geography.


The first half of the book describes how all civilizations must ready themselves for the coming Draeus if they want to survive. Some of them have never experienced one before, but those that live longer lifespans know well the devastation and changes it brings.


In the second half of the book, Taylor draws you in as you read how survivors venture out and assess their new surroundings, exploring and re-mapping a very changed and different world. Feel their excitement, sadness, and wonderment as they make way through ruin, devastation while discovering new mountains, lakes, landscapes and more.

Fantasy Map Yes

So let us explore this New Continent, or the NC as it’s called (it hasn’t been named by the citizens yet).

Polara—Land of snow and ice. Home to a strong and hearty people with glittering eyes.

Aaronland—Land of forest and giant Pulu Trees. A wise and just people with physical tree-like attributes.

Pilth—Land of dirt and overcast skies. Short, squat mud-loving people who love their food and drink.

Zune—Land of the sun and oases. A strong, noble, and bronzed people who are very ‘Romanesque’.

Meadowland of nature and flowers. Home to 3’ tall winged Prittykins, pony pups, butterflies and more.

Symphonia—Land of Music, song, and dance. People are positive, upbeat and there’s music wherever they go.

Beart—Land of orchards and grass. Talking bears that love living well and love their dorgan (dragon) friends!

Ethero—Land of shimmering beauty. People shine with colored auras, are light of step, love the sea and nature.

Taandra—Land of vast plains, grasses. Home to intelligent, talking animalia such as lions, bears, hyena and more.

Valkevin—Land of petrified rock. Warrior people, strong and resilient. Ruled by a disgusting, evil tyrannical lord.


Do you think these civilizations can make it a hundred years in peace and solidarity?

No need to worry about word pronunciations or meanings in this fantasy fiction story! There’s a glossary conveniently located in the back of the book to reference all the inventive “Second Earth” only originality that makes this book a must on anyone’s reading agenda for this genre!



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