Tampa Native Matthew P. Hoffman Launches Book

Husband Shares Meaningful Tips to Help Build Successful Relationships

Tampa Native Matthew P. Hoffman Launches Book Kickass Husband: Winning at Life, Marriage & Sex is the new handbook for imperfect husbands who want to fortify their #1 relationship. First-time author Matthew P. Hoffman is a longtime relationship coach, national inspirational speaker, Tampa entrepreneur and philanthropist. Kickass Husband is available now for pre-orders and officially launches on November 12th. The book, along with his Kickass Couples Podcast and Kickass Couples Nation membership-based platform, helps couples create happy and fulfilling relationships with their partners.

Kickass Husband Book Cover JPEG

Widely regarded as an authority on relationships, Hoffman specializes in teaching men and women how to become rock-star partners, who put their spouses first by prioritizing and investing in them each day.

With real-life anecdotes from Hoffman’s 27-year-young marriage, as well as analyses from certified Gottman Marriage Therapist Chris Cambas, readers will learn the tools, strategies, and real-life examples they need to level up their relationships.

Relationships of all kinds, whether personal or professional, have their ups and downs. Struggles and challenges are part of a fulfilling relationship, but Hoffman coach’s readers on homing in on awareness and skills in three key areas: Commitment, Communication, and Conflict Resolution!

About The Author Matthew Hoffman: 

Author Matthew Hoffman

Matthew Hoffman (Right) has a long and storied history in the Tampa Bay community. His parents, Marcia and Al Hoffman, were among the original founders of Ruth Eckerd Hall. At 13 years old, Hoffman had a shovel in hand as ground was broken in 1973. Since that time, he followed in his father’s footsteps, serving on both the hall’s foundation and operating boards, eventually serving as Chairman of the Board of Directors in 2008.

While on the board he championed the hall’s arts education initiative and collaborated with then-Director of the Marcia P. Hoffman Performing Arts Institute Joyce Benomini Wehner to help impact thousands of youths through their on-site and traveling programs.

Hoffman continued his love of education and development by co-authoring and founding Character GPS — a seven-week, foundational training curriculum that teaches middle school and high school students the critical foundational elements and skills of good character.

Today Hoffman’s focus has turned to his Kickass Couples Nation platform, which includes his new book, the Kickass Couples Podcast, and the Kickass Couples Nation membership community, helping imperfect couples’ level up in their #1 relationship.

Additional Benefit from Reading the Kickass Husband: Winning at Life, Marriage & Sex:

This book is perfect for couples looking for a more fulfilled and meaningful marriage, the Kickass Couples Nation (KCN) harnesses the power of Hoffman’s own experiences in community building, education, and relationships with the science-based counseling techniques of Chris Cambas, Gottman certified marriage therapist and couple’s counselor, and co-author of Hoffman’s book.

Additionally, through KCN, Hoffman has assembled a team of professional, certified therapists who conduct bi-monthly, live webinars and hot-seat training sessions to work with their private membership group on investing in and strengthening their own relationships.

Matthew and Kim Hoffman a part of the kickass coaching team

Hoffman and wife Kim (LEFT) share practical and impactful examples of the KCN principles through a weekly video series called “TGWM” (Thank God We’re Married) and on the Kickass Couples Podcast. On the podcast the couple interviews other couples from all social classes and backgrounds, looking through their lens of the key points of relationship success. These real-life stories demonstrate how each couple has brought their varied backgrounds together and navigated the often-rough waters of marriage and relationships, ultimately building a union that can stand the test of time. You will learn so much valuable information on improving your marriage.

More couples enjoying marriage from Kickass Program
  • Why it is important to invest in your #1 relationship
    • How to become a kickass couple
    • How success in relationships leads to success in business
    • The importance of effective communication

The Kickass Husband book is available for pre-order now on Matthewphoffman.com. November 12th is the official book launch party at the Bryan Glazer Jewish Community Center at 522 N. Howard Ave., Tampa, Fla., from 5:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. 100% of the book’s proceeds go to the MK Hoffman Family foundation that supports children’s education, counseling to low-income couples and worthy religious institutions. To Book Matthew Hoffman at your next event please contact Matthew Hoffman at matthewhoffman.com or call 813-477-5589. You can also check out @kickassnation.

The post Tampa Native Matthew P. Hoffman Launches Book appeared first on Destination Tampa Bay™.

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