‘YOU ARE HERE’…It’s Your Time Now!

A New Self Help Book by Tampa Bay™ Area Authors.

Two Tampa Bay women authors have written a life-changing new self-help book that was inspired by their belief that each person is able to pursue greatness and to impact their part of the world. YOU ARE HERE is a is a guide for people who are feeling stuck or unfulfilled and who want to move beyond their current reality but don’t know where to start. 

This book is based on the lives and professional experience of its two authors. Carol Burmood of Largo is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor of LifeImpact Counseling and a counselor at Harborside Church in Safety Harbor.  Co-author is Desiree Smith-Collis, of Clearwater Florida.  Collis is Certified Life Coach & Yoga Instructor.  In YOU ARE HERE, they have put together 12 life-changing chapters full of stories, faith-building inspiration, insights, and personal development strategies that will encourage readers to never settle for less. Their book will be available online starting with a pre-launch date of July 23rd with print editions to follow in August at Amazon.

By the time readers finish You Are Here, they will have created a road map of what it takes to walk into and discover their true identity, to pursue greatness and to build the life they love.  

‘YOU ARE HERE’' A New Self Help Book by Tampa Bay™ Area Authors: Carol Burmood and Desiree Smith-Collis

Discovering Why YOU ARE HERE:

YOU ARE HERE is a book about putting together a plan for fulfilling your dreams and purpose and charting your course to pursue those aspirations you have held inside for so long. The callings of those dreams may have grown dim or gotten louder, and you know you need to DO something. Carol Burmood and Desiree Smith-Collis, want you to know that having a vision and purpose for your life isn’t only available to the select few. YOU have access to it, too! You just need to be willing to believe it, chase it, develop it, form habits that attract it, and pour in the effort and work that will carry it to reality!

Discovering Why YOU ARE HERE:

Sounds easy enough, right? If we have lived long enough, we have all met face to face at a fork in the road calling us to chart a course toward something more. All of us can choose to walk a path that will keep us content, safe in the parameters of what we already know, or we can choose to follow the faint whisper that there is a better path, one that leads to a life of purpose, fulfillment, happiness, and fullness beyond what we may have ever imagined for ourselves.

This road will be different because it is unknown.

This road will be different because it is unknown. Unknown can be terrifying because the cost of entry comes with confronting uncertainty and accepting failure. If we allow it, the great unknown can also be exhilarating because we have just awakened an excitement and energy that’s been held deep inside us waiting to be released. There will always be challenges and resistance along the way. But this time will be different because we will be more prepared as we begin to walk in the direction of unlocking something inside us that we knew existed but could never find the formula to access it.

Stepping into this journey of “You Are Here” will take courage, confidence, and most of all conviction. You were built for this! Once you experience the first step on the path of growth, you will begin to feel hopeful, energized, empowered and confident in your pursuit.

Carol Burmood and Desiree Smith-Collis wrote this book from a place deep within their hearts that kept calling that there must be more for our lives. As that belief grew, it developed into a greater message for all who would have ears to take notice to their own still voice saying, “There must be more.” The journey starts by each person’s owning where they were in their own lives and what beliefs were driving their thoughts and decisions.

The authors of YOU ARE HERE also wanted to share the things in their own lives that worked, the things that didn’t work and what made the most difference in their own growth in hopes to provide encouragement and streamline the process so others can join us on the path towards self-discovery and fulfillment. Through trial and error, emotional storms and learned lessons, they have reached the conclusion that life is meant to be lived and lived fully. They believe in depth and meaningful pursuits and want to encourage others to strive to find their place at the table.

Today is the day to be OPEN to the idea that you were made for more. Let this be the moment you decide to change the course of where your life is going…forever!

Three Steps to Getting Out of HERE:

You are her. How did you get here? Explore with two Tampa Bay area authors

Where are you now? In the first of three major sections of the book, you will come face to face with where you are and how you got there. Each chapter will help you step into a deeper working knowledge about how you got to where you are now. This process is essential to weeding out the untruths you’ve believed about yourself and moving past the blocks that have kept you from pursuing your God given purpose in this life.

Where do you want to be? In this section, you will begin to walk towards your goal–reaching, exploring, defining, and believing that it is not only possible but achievable. This is where your vision is expanded, and you experience a new aliveness. During this phase, alignment, clarity, and passion come into focus, and momentum will start to build. It requires an open mind, an open heart, and a willingness to stretch beyond your comfort zone.

Moving toward your goal as to You Are Here...A New Self Help Book by Tampa Bay™ Area Authors.

How can I move toward my goal? In this final section, you will learn the tools that will give you new traction towards the WHY (your goals and vision) for your life. Success comes with a consistency of practicing these methods every day and taking small steps to eventually reach those BIG goals and dreams you never thought were possible. Each chapter touches a piece or part of your life. Not small things to conquer. You will gain knowledge and develop new skills through practice. In and of itself, each technique is an important component to put into place on your journey.

Throughout the course of each chapter, the authors will guide you to take on an experiential walk that will launch you into a new season of your life. You will discover a fantastic season that you are destined to create and live out. Carol Burmood and Desiree Smith- Allis remind readers that it is easy for them to write these words, but it requires a lot more effort on your part to do the work and make it happen. This will be a time for you to reflect, refine, and reset. Don’t hold back from these challenges and opportunities. Be honest and authentic, but do not beat yourself up. Be proud that you are doing the work to grow and feel joy for the hope of your future. Be willing to dream, try, and fail. Having a perfect past, present, or future is not a reality for anyone. You must learn from the past, prepare in the present and hope for the future.

This process of working through the ‘You Are Here’ will be a life-changing journey of learning to love yourself, finding your purpose and creating a life you love. As you read this, you will say, “WOW, that’s awesome!” Carol Burmood and Desiree Collis hope to fill you with the right dose of encouragement, inspiration, and motivation to open your mind. You are HERE. You are exactly where you are supposed to be, but not where you are meant to stay. You have reached the first step toward changing your life when you realize you don’t want to stay HERE anymore!

Suddenly you have arrived at a new Here, where past hurts no longer dictate the terms of your future. Your new HERE is where there is a stirring in your soul.  You can approach your new HERE with an open mindset to what’s ahead.  And YOU ARE HERE–where your new story is beginning to take shape.

You have everything you need to start today because YOU ARE HERE.

More About the Authors Carol Burmood and Desiree Collis:

Carol Burmood co author of  You Are Here from the Tampa Bay area

Carol Burmood is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor with LifeImpact Counseling. She is super passionate about helping people discover and bring purpose-and their-dreams-to-real life. With over 20 years of experience, she has a unique style of combining faith and ‘living with intentional strategies to achieve each person’s purpose-driven goals and dreams. She believes everyone is hard wired to become and live the best version of their lives possible and in turn to help others. Carol co-authored MentorUS, a book designed to walk couples through premarital counseling for her church and community and has led various personal growth groups and provided mentoring. Carol lives in Florida with Dean, her husband of 23 years, and near their daughter, son-in-law and three “amazing” grandchildren.

Desiree-Collis Smith author, life coach and certified yoga instructor

Desiree Smith-Collis is a mother, Certified Life Coach, Certified Yoga Instructor, and unceasing seeker of knowledge. She graduated magna cum laude from University of South Florida with a degree in Social Work and has always had a heart for helping people strive to find their full potential. She is on a mission to share her hard-earned knowledge in a practical and relevant way to impact those who seek to transform their mind, body, and spirit. Desiree’s heart for people is to help them discover and visualize how to move forward from where they are in their current life and step into a future of utilizing all their gifts and talents and their full potential. She currently resides in Florida with her three children.

Content supplied by the authors and written for Destination Tampa Bay ™ by Jackie McCallum. All photos are for editorial purposes only, all rights reserved. You may also be interested in Tampa Bay health series here or Hail Cesar here.

The post ‘YOU ARE HERE’…It’s Your Time Now! appeared first on Destination Tampa Bay™.

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